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Ceredigion County Council website

Internal Audit Privacy Notice

The purposes for which we use personal data

The information we collect about you will be used for the purpose(s) of providing assurance to the Council on its controls, governance, risk management and fraud processes, i.e.:

  • Fulfil legal requirements to provide an internal audit function
  • Ensure the effectiveness of governance and risk management processes
  • Undertake value for money exercises
  • Facilitate the prevention, deterrence and detection of fraud, bribery, corruption or money-laundering against the Council
  • Investigate referrals made under the corporate whistleblowing policy
  • Investigate any potential irregularities either discovered during working practices or as notified by staff and/or the public

The lawful basis for the processing of your information is Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972, Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014.

What type of information do we use?

We will have access to information held by all services within the Council in order to be able to undertake our work, which may include the following personal data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Unique reference number
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Financial details
  • Your family composition
  • Your social circumstances
  • Your financial circumstances
  • Employment and education details
  • Your housing needs
  • Images/photographs
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Information about your health
  • Trade union membership
  • Criminal convictions and offences, etc.
  • Written statements and recordings of interviews conducted
  • Other information gathered during the course of an audit, investigation or proactive exercise

Do we use information received from other sources?

To provide our services, we may also collect information from any external organisation the Council has an association with, eg Wales Audit Office, Welsh Government, other local authorities, private residential homes for the elderly, etc; and third parties, witnesses, etc involved in an investigation.

The following types of personal data may be obtained:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Unique reference number
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Financial details
  • Your family composition
  • Your social circumstances
  • Your financial circumstances
  • Employment and education details
  • Your housing needs
  • Images/photographs
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Information about your health
  • Trade union membership
  • Criminal convictions and offences, etc.
  • Written statements and recordings of interviews conducted
  • Other information gathered during the course of an audit, investigation or proactive exercise

Transferring your information abroad

Your information will not be transferred outside the United Kingdom.

Who your information may be shared with (internally and externally)

We may share your information with the following recipients:


Any other internal council service where it is deemed necessary.


  • Cabinet Office/WAO for National Fraud Initiative data matching exercise, etc.
  • Other Government departments such as the police, HMRC, DWP, etc.

There are also other specific situations where we may be required to disclose information about you, such as:

  • Where the Council is required to provide the information by law
  • Where disclosing the information is required to prevent or detect a crime
  • Where disclosure is in the vital interests of the person concerned