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Ceredigion County Council website

Coastal Defences Consultation Privacy Notice

Ceredigion County Council is tasked with a wide array of duties, among which is a responsibility to protect local communities from coastal erosion. In order to ensure that our resources are correctly targeted in this regard, we are required to consult with local communities in order to better understand their needs, and ensure that the defence schemes we put in place will have the maximum benefit for the community.

In order to carry out our consultation, we will be conducting a mail drop, and carrying out an online survey.

The purposes for which we use your personal data

The information we collect about you will be used for the purpose(s) of:

  • Enabling us to conduct a consultation on proposals for coastal defence schemes

The lawful basis for the processing of your information is:

  • Public task (the local authority is required to make residents aware of the consultation with the community in respect of its proposals)
  • Consent (where personal data is gathered through the online survey)

You can withdraw your consent to processing of your data for the survey at any time.

What if you do not provide personal data

If you do not give us the information we need when we ask for it, this may result in our being unable to consider your views in respect of our coastal defence plans.

What type of information do we use?

We may collect the following types of personal data about you to deliver this service, depending on your circumstances:

  • Basic identifiers (name, date of birth)
  • Address;
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

Do we use information received from other sources?

To provide this service, we collect information directly from you but also receive information from the following sources:

  • National Land and Property Gazeteer (used for mail drop)

Transferring your information abroad

Your data is held by SurveyMonkey prior to download by Council staff. Survey Monkey hosts the data on servers based in the United States in compliance with Privacy Shield framework standards.

Who your information may be shared with (internally and externally)?

The personal data you provide us will not normally be shared with any other service within Ceredigion County Council, or with any third party outside the organisation.

However, there are specific situations where we may be required to disclose information about you, such as:

  • Where the Council is required to provide the information by law
  • Where disclosing the information is required to prevent or detect a crime
  • Where disclosure is in the vital interests of the person concerned