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Ceredigion County Council website

Welsh in Ceredigion Schools

Ceredigion County Council has a firm policy on the teaching of Welsh and English in its schools.

Our aim is to educate pupils so that they are thoroughly bilingual by the time they leave the primary school. In this way pupils will find that they are able to participate fully in the bilingual community of which they are a part. The full details of the policy can be seen in the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan.

If you are a parent or guardian we encourage you to consider how to support your child's development in the Welsh language. This can be done in many ways, for example:

  • encourage your child to take part in social activities through the medium of Welsh, with the Urdd, the Young Farmers' Clubs or other organisations
  • support your child to practice the reading of Welsh books
  • help your child to discover the Welsh media - television, radio and internet
  • if you cannot speak Welsh, you can try learning the language alongside your child. The lessons are fun and learning Welsh opens doors to a wider society as well as the world of work. We are also setting up more and more Welsh for the Family classes - lessons which are especially tailored for parents in terms of time and content

For more information about being bilingual in Ceredigion; download the booklet 'Byw a Bod: One life two languages'. The aim of this booklet is to answer questions, address doubts and state the advantages of being bilingual.

Byw a Bod

Seren a Sbarc are the heroes of the Welsh Language Charter who encourage the use of Welsh in the playground, at home and the classroom. In this booklet, they will teach you useful words and phrases that will support you and your child in primary school. Follow the link to read the booklet. 

Welsh Government Advice on choosing Welsh Medium Education:

As a parent, deciding on your child’s education will be one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. An increasing number of parents can testify that choosing Welsh-medium education for their child has been a positive and worthwhile experience. Please find the Welsh Government Guidance booklet ‘Your Guide to Welsh Medium Education’, the booklet aims to provide information and advice for parents and prospective parents about Welsh-medium education and the opportunities bilingualism offers. Your child will not lose the ability to be fluent in their first language, but gain the ability to communicate fully in both languages.

In accordance with the requirements of The Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2022-2032 (Wales) Regulations 2019, under Part 1 and Part 2 of the 1993 Welsh Language Act, Ceredigion County Council had the responsibility to prepare and carry out a Welsh Language Plan that specifically dealt with Education.

The Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2022–2032 for Ceredigion was approved on 20th July 2022.