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Ceredigion County Council website


Self-Assessment and Review of Corporate Well-being Objectives

The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 introduced a new performance management regime for local authorities based on self-assessment.

Put simply, self-assessment is about local authorities being self-aware of how they are performing, where they need to improve and ensuring services are sustainable in the future. It is an ongoing process of learning and delivering year-on-year improvements.

These principles are not new to Ceredigion County Council. We have long been using self-assessment as a tool to reflect on how we are doing things now, and how we can deliver improvements or provide greater efficiency. Some examples of this are the pioneering ‘Through Age Well-being Programme’ that is transforming the delivery of social care in the County, and the innovative use of our resources during COVID-19 to provide an effective response to the pandemic that saw Ceredigion remain one of the safest parts of Wales.

We conducted our most recent Self-Assessment in the summer of 2023, looking at a wide range of evidence, regulatory reports and extensive consultation feedback. It confirms that Ceredigion County Council continues to perform above its stature and makes good use of the resources it has available, despite the challenges faced in recent years such as extensive budget cuts and the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, there are always opportunities for improvement and self-assessment has helped us identify key actions that will help to drive better outcomes for the county and its citizens. These can be found in the Action Plan on pages 13-18 of the Report. We will be conducting further consultation with citizens, businesses, Council Staff and Trade Unions over the coming months to capture further views on how we can improve performance and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

A key part of reviewing our performance is the progress in delivering our Well-being Objectives in 2022/23. Despite the challenges we have faced, progress has been good and this report highlights a number of key achievements across all four Objectives. The Report can be downloaded below along with a copy of the Council’s current Performance Management Framework:

Self-Assessment Report 2022-2023
Performance Management Framework