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Ceredigion County Council website

What are Direct Payments?

A Direct Payment is money awarded by the Local Authority to allow you to arrange your own package of care.

You can use your Direct Payment to arrange support that is right for you and your lifestyle. Having a Direct Payment means that you can have more control over the support you need, be able to make important choices about your care, and have far greater flexibility over your support than care arranged directly by the council.

People in Ceredigion are using Direct Payments to arrange:

  • Support with daily life and activities
  • Support to get out and about
  • Support with personal care
  • Support that helps achieve personal goals
  • Equipment that supports their independence

Direct Payments are not a Department of Works and Pension benefit and will not affect your rights to such benefits nor are they classed as income for tax purposes.

If you think that Direct Payments may be suitable for some of your care needs but not for others, you can have a mixture of Direct Payments and other services arranged by us.  

Direct Payments can be offered to almost anyone who has been assessed as eligible to receive community care services. Once you have been assessed as requiring community care services, the assessor has a duty to offer you a direct payment.

The amount of money that you will get will depend on how much and what type of assistance you need. Your Care Plan will state how much support you need each week and how much you will be paid.

You may be asked to pay part of the cost towards your care. This will depend on the type of care you have been assessed as needing and may also depend on your income and savings. If you do have to pay, this will be the same amount, whether you have Direct Payments or choose to have services arranged by us.

Your assessor will be able to arrange a financial assessment for you to see what cost (if any), you have to pay towards your care.

The Direct Payments Support Service will provide you with information, support as well as practical help with recruiting and employing staff, paying wages and helping with tax and National Insurance payments.

You may also receive help from family and friends.

If you choose to employ a personal assistant, the Care Council has developed an online toolkit which provides guidance, practice examples and practical tools. This will enable you to support your personal assistant to gain the skills they need to be confident and competent in their roles. You can access the toolkit by visiting: Individual employers (

In order for you to get a Direct Payment you need an assessment of your care needs. If you have a social worker or care manager then contact them. If not please call Clic to arrange this.

We are committed to providing people such as yourself with all of the information that you need to make a decision that is right for you.

We have an experienced Direct Payments team who are there to support you with any queries or information that you need. We will endeavour to provide you with as much help and reassurance as you need, until you feel confident to manage arrangements yourself. But remember, if you need periodic support, or advice we are only an email or a phone call away.

Contact us at: or via CLIC on 01545 570881