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Ceredigion County Council website

Antisocial Behaviour and Neighbourhood Problems

Anti-social behaviour includes abusive or noisy neighbours, littering and graffiti. It can leave you feeling intimidated, angry and frightened.

Local Authority Officers in Public Protection and Housing and the Police, along with other organisations, work together in a Community Safety Partnership to tackle antisocial behaviour problems.

Noise complaints

Everyone has the right to quiet enjoyment in their home. If you feel this has been disturbed due to excessive noise, for example persistent barking dogs, late night noise from pubs or clubs or machinery then the Local Authority can investigate the cause of the problem and this may lead to action taken against the perpetrator. To report a complaint contact the Public Protection team on

Excessive noise caused by tenants of a HMO can be a management issue and the Local Authority Housing Service may tackle the issue with the landlord using Management Regulations.

If the noise is as a result of a licenced premises or event then you should contact the Local Authority Licencing Section on 01545 572179 or email

High hedges

Disputes over particularly high boundary hedges can often be controversial and the Local Authority can only get involved in certain circumstances and after you have tried other ways to solve the problem. Talk to your neighbour, use a mediation service and keep records of all actions. Any service offered by the Local Authority will be chargeable, that is, you will have to pay.

Complaints about behaviour in Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

If the Local Authority receives a complaint about antisocial behaviour from a HMO then we will tackle this through the landlord and management of the property. A person in charge of a HMO has a duty to properly manage it and this includes managing the behaviour of the tenants and any issues causing anti-social behaviour. Tenants also have an obligation to act in a 'tenant like' manner and not to hinder the landlord and/or agent in the proper management of the property. Ceredigion County Council Housing Service are able to give you advice as landlords, tenants or neighbours affected by such issues concerning HMO’s, please contact us for advice or assistance.


Anti social behaviour can be grounds for eviction from a property, even if the tenancy has only just begun. Landlords wishing to remove antisocial tenants from their property should seek legal advice on the correct way to go about this.

Anti-social behaviour by Landlords

If your landlord is being threatening towards you, read our page on Protection from Harassment/Illegal Eviction for more information.