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Ceredigion County Council website

Drinking Alcohol in Public Places

Parts of Aberystwyth, Lampeter and Cardigan town centres have restrictions on public drinking. You will see signs in the parts of each town identified with a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

Poster: Drinking Alcohol in Public Places

What is a PSPO?

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, replaces the previous DPPOs (Designated Public Place Orders) with PSPOs and enables Local Authorities to identify public places where restrictions on the consumption of alcohol are to apply. These protected spaces are referred to as alcohol consumption in public space protection orders but you may also hear them called ‘alcohol free zones’ or ‘street drinking orders’.

These powers help the police deal with the problems of nuisance, annoyance or disorder associated with the consumption of alcohol in those areas. It is aimed at reducing alcohol-related crime and keeping Ceredigion a safe and pleasant place to live, work and visit.

The Orders came into force on 20 October 2017 for a period of three years initially. Following a decision by Council to renew the Orders in the first instance in 2020, and again in 2023, the current PSPOs will remain in place until 19 October 2026. The PSPOs will continue to be regularly reviewed through consultation with key stakeholders and analysis of relevant police data.

What is a public place?

This is any place which the public have access to and includes streets, roads, pavements, grassed areas, pedestrian areas, amenity and seating areas, parks and car parks.

Certain places will not become protected public spaces at any time. These are places otherwise authorised by license, including public houses and clubs. Premises where a Temporary Event Notice is in force are also excluded.

What powers are available to the police in a PSPO area?

Whilst PSPOs target the consumption of alcohol within designated areas, it is not a criminal offence to drink alcohol within those areas. Enforcement of the Orders is a discretionary power used to tackle anti-social drinking. However, it is an offence to fail to comply with a request made by the police to cease drinking or surrender alcohol, without reasonable excuse. Failure to comply with such requests will amount to a breach of the Orders and individuals may be arrested which can result in a fine of up to £500.

Public Space Protection Orders 2023

Notice is given that the Public Space Protection Orders ‘Alcohol Free Zones’ in Aberystwyth, Cardigan and Lampeter town centres have been extended until 19/10/2026. (The original Orders that have been in place since 2017 are due to expire on the 19/10/2023).

Public Space Protection Orders are made under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and make it an offence should a person fail to comply with a request from a Police Officer or an authorised Officer to not consume, or refuse to surrender alcohol to the Officer within the designated area.

Failure to comply with such requests will amount to a breach of the Orders and individuals may be arrested which can result in a fine of up to £500. It is aimed at reducing alcohol-related crime and keeping Ceredigion a safe and pleasant place to live, work and visit.

More information and the maps detailing the areas included in the Public Space Protection Orders are available under the downloads menu.