Tracey* 34 from Aberystwyth worked 12 hours a week at a Chinese takeaway. Tracey and her children were deemed as being at risk of poverty. Read Tracey’s story of how she got a job after seeking employment support from the Communities for Work+ team (CFW+):

I have a zero-hour contract on minimum wage at the Chinese. I was desperate for more hours. As a mother of two young children who both suffer from separation anxiety, finding the right job was always going to be a challenge. I had to get another job but didn’t know where to start looking.

With the help of my job coach at JCP Aberystwyth, I was put in touch with the CFW+ team. The team were brilliant! They helped me to put my CV together, further my existing skills and supported me in acquiring a taxi badge licence.

I’m now a taxi driver and combined with my other job am able to work 28 hours a week. I like being a taxi driver, it gives me peace of mind of having a stable job and flexible hours which I can fit in around the family.

I would like to thank Misha from CFW+ for the support and help she has given me the past couple of months. I highly recommend contacting them if you need help to get back into work or learning courses!

Councillor Catrin Miles, Ceredigion County Council Cabinet Member for Schools, Lifelong Learning and Skills, Support and Intervention, said: “It’s positive to hear Tracey’s account of how she’s been able to improve her and her children’s lives through earning more with the help of the CFW+ team. I agree with Tracey and would encourage anyone who’s looking for training or employment opportunities to contact the team.”

Communities For Work+ is a Welsh Government funded project, delivered by Ceredigion County Council which supports individuals in or at risk of poverty, aged 16 or over, across Ceredigion and throughout Wales. Participants may be experiencing in-work poverty, unemployment, living on minimum wage or struggling to pay basic monthly outgoings on sporadic zero hour contracts.

Mentors provide 1:1 support for participants with writing CV’s, undertaking mock interviews, up-skilling and funding a wide variety of training including help with starting up their own business.

If you think the project may be able to help you or if you would like more information, contact the team on 01545 574193 or email

*As requested by the participant, real name has not been used.