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Ceredigion County Council website

Complaints About Schools

We are unable to respond to complaints about individual schools as the school governing bodies are responsible for addressing these complaints. If you wish to make a complaint about an individual school, please ask the school concerned for a copy of its complaints procedure. The school should have a copy of their own complaints procedures and can be found on their website. If not then please ask the school for a copy.

In the first instance, the complaint should be addressed with the Head Teacher, who can also provide further guidance on the complaints procedure within the school. All school complaints policy should follow the guidance issued by the Welsh Government (School Governing Body Complaints Procedures: Circular No 011/2012) which is a three stage procedure:

Stage A

If you have a concern, you can often resolve it quickly by talking to a teacher. You should expect a response within 10 school days but if this is not possible we will talk to you and agree a revised timescale with you. The person overseeing your complaint will keep you informed of the progress being made.

Stage B

If you feel that your initial complaint is not resolved or appropriately dealt with then you should put your complaint in writing to the Head Teacher. If the complaint is about the Head Teacher then your complaint should be put in writing to the Chair of Governors and addressed to the school.

Stage C

Escalation to Stage C should only occur in exception cases as it should be possible to resolve most complaints at Stage B. However, if you still feel that you complaint has not been dealt with fairly then you should write, through the school’s address, to the chair of governors setting out your reasons for asking the governing body’s complaints committee to consider your complaint. You will not have to write down the details of your complaint again.

The governing body’s complaints committee is the final arbiter of complaints.