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Ceredigion County Council website

Registered Childcare providers must comply with standards that are set out by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). CIW also inspect them to ensure these standards are met.

Inspection reports for Registered Childcare Providers can be found at:

Some childcare settings deliver nursery foundation phase / early years education funded by the Local Authority, and will be jointly inspected by CIW and Estyn.

Before you decide which childcare provider you intend to use it is worth visiting a few different providers.

Please check that the childcare provider you intend to use is able to fulfil your own and your child’s needs BEFORE registering your child with them.

There will be a contract between the family and childcare provider. Please ensure you read and understand the terms and conditions of this contract which will include payment arrangements, hours, holidays, policies and procedures.

Click here to search for Childcare Providers in Ceredigion: Family Information Service

If you are unable to find childcare provision which meets your needs visit the Family Information Services website; or contact on 01545 574200.

What should I consider when choosing childcare?

Registered childcare providers

Registered childcare providers will be fully qualified, insured and regularly inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales.

Here are some factors you might like to consider when choosing registered childcare:

  • Would it be easier to arrange the childcare nearer to home or your workplace – or close to your preferred future school?
  • Consider your travelling time and working patterns
  • Do you have a back-up plan in place if you are delayed at work or if there is an emergency?
  • Ensure that you understand the fee structure.  Does it include meals, snacks, nappies and days out?
  • Do you understand the contract including the notice period if you wish to change your childcare arrangements?

Also consider the following points:

  • What will happen if your baby is unwell. Do you have arrangements in place if they can’t go to childcare?
  • If the carer is sick what will happen?
  • Is the childcare provided all year round? Including during the school holidays?
  • Would you be expected to co-ordinate your holidays with your childcare provider?

Informal and unregistered childcare

If a family member or friend will be providing informal/unregistered childcare this may initially look like a cheaper option. However, you would not be eligible for any financial assistance e.g. Tax Free Childcare, Childcare Offer funding etc. (Help with Childcare Costs).

Things to consider:

  • Will they provide care in your home or theirs? You need to think about illness and holidays too
  • Unregistered or informal childcare providers will not be insured and may not have important qualifications such as First Aid training

Other types of unregistered / unregulated childcare include clubs held in schools by teachers, sports camps / sport activities, holiday activity clubs, school holiday enrichment programme clubs).

Financial Support

Look into financial help with childcare costs e.g. Tax Free Childcare, Childcare Offer funding.

If your child has additional needs, or you believe your child requires additional support, ask your childcare provider about Cynllun Cyfeirio and Ymuno schemes.

Cynllun Cyfeirio

The Cynllun Cyfeirio referral programme supports children aged 2-4 with a disability and / or additional needs to take part in educational play and learning opportunities during term time in a pre-school registered settings.

Referrals are made by professionals, parents or staff of pre-school settings to a multi-agency Panel for approval.

The scheme is funded by Welsh Government Children and Communities Grant and Ceredigion County Council funds, and is managed by Mudiad Meithrin.


The YMUNO Scheme aims to support children aged 4 -14 with additional needs, who need support to attend CIW registered out of school and holiday childcare settings (does not include Childminders), to provide inclusive play and childcare opportunities in line with the Equality Act 2010.

The scheme is funded by Ceredigion County Council through a Welsh Government grant, and managed by DASH Ceredigion. 

For a list of Childcare Settings in Ceredigion, please visit: Dewis Wales or Ceredigion Family Information Services Childcare Information.

Parents can also ask for details at their local after school or holiday club.

Please visit the DASH Ceredigion website for full details: Ymuno - DASH Ceredigion

Family Information Services (FIS) are the first point of contact for advice and information on local services for families and carers.

The FIS provide free, impartial help, support and advice on a range of family issues including:

  • Childcare and help with the costs of childcare
  • Health care
  • Education and Training
  • Leisure services
  • Finances

They can put you in touch with experts who will provide free help and support tailored to your individual needs.

They can also signpost you to useful information and services of Welsh Government Programmes.

Each local authority in Wales has a FIS which you can contact via post, email or telephone call. The contact details for your local authority’s FIS can be accessed by selecting the area of Wales where you live on the home page.

Family Information Services Website

Choosing childcare

Information and guidance about what to look for when choosing a childcare service:
Choosing childcare - Care Inspectorate Wales

Information and guidance about what to look for when choosing a child minder:
Choosing a child minder - Care Inspectorate Wales

Find an inspection report

To find a childcare providers’ inspection report follow this link:
Care Inspectorate Wales - Inspection Reports

Raise a concern

If you have a concern regarding a childcare provider contact the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to discuss your concern:

Website: Care Inspectorate Wales - Contact Us

Telephone: 0300 7900 126
Fax: 0872 437 7301

Care Inspectorate Wales
Government Buildings
Picton Terrace
SA31 3BT

To find childcare providers in Ceredigion:

Launch the childcare search facility on the Family Information Services website

Childcare Types 

Cylchoedd Meithrin (also known as Sessional Day Care) offer Welsh medium childcare and education, whilst Playgroups offer Bilingual or English medium childcare and education for 2-4 year olds. Some settings care for children for up to four hours a day, usually up to five days per week, but some now offer a full day service since the introduction of the Childcare Offer for 3-4 year olds.

Most settings are open school term time only, and some are voluntary based and managed, whereas some operate all year round. Some settings offer a wraparound and/or a collection service from local primary schools.

Typically, the age of the children using this provision will be two to four years old. Children will be able to learn through play and socialise under the guidance of professional, qualified and dedicated staff.

Day Nurseries care for children from birth upwards and typically operate from early mornings to late evenings, and are open five days per week, all year round. Opening hours can vary. Many offer a collection service to and from local schools.

Some Cylch Meithrin/Playgroups are also registered as Full Day Care providers (for 2-4 year olds) in order to deliver the Childcare Offer for Wales.

After School Clubs are also known as Out of School Childcare providers.

These childcare settings offer childcare either before school, after school or during the school holidays.  They may be based in your child’s school, another local school or other premises and may be used to extend a child’s school day.  The children tend to be aged 3 to 12 years old and the setting may provide a collection service from the local school.  These settings offer a safe, enjoyable and stimulating environment which allows children to play and relax.

Unregulated childcare (e.g. sports camps, holiday activity clubs, family/friends, school holiday enrichment programme clubs) are not registered After School Club settings.

Holiday clubs or playschemes provide a wide range of play activities for children during the school holidays. Some are run by schools, while others are run by private or voluntary organisations. Costs vary between holiday clubs, and parents/guardians will usually be charged per day the child attends.

A registered childminder is a self-employed person providing care and learning opportunities for one or more children throughout the year, within their own home. Childminders are qualified to look after children, and provide a homely environment. The age of the child can be from birth upwards and some operate with the help of an assistant or another childminder. Hours may vary and may include early mornings through to late evenings and even weekends.

Childminders can offer before and after school provision; wrap around care; and provision during the school holidays.

Parent and toddler groups / Cylch Ti a Fi provide opportunities for children and parents to socialise in an informal and friendly setting.

Parents/carers have to stay with their child, as they are not registered childcare settings.  Parents often set up the groups and they are managed by a committee of parents and volunteers.

Breakfast clubs are usually run by schools and are not usually registered childcare.

They offer children a safe and supervised place to go before school. They provide a healthy breakfast for pupils, and are particularly useful if your child arrives early at school.

This setting offers occasional day care for children up to the age of 12 years on non-domestic premises.

Some are in permanent premises and care for children while parents are engaged in particular activities (e.g. training, shopping or sport). Others are established on a temporary basis to care for children while their parents are involved in time-limited activities (e.g. a conference or an exhibition).

Open Access Play is the provision of staffed open access play opportunities for children usually in the absence of their parents.

This can be permanent or temporary provision located in a variety of settings with or without premises and can include holiday playschemes, play centres, adventure playgrounds, and parks.

The provision usually caters for a wide age range of children, normally aged 5 years and over. Children are not restricted in their movements, other than where related to safety matters, and they are not prevented from coming and going as and when they wish.

A nanny is employed directly by the parents of up to two families caring for the children in the home of either of the families.

Nannies can offer: Full day care and part time care including before and after school provision including atypical hours e.g. evening, weekends and overnight provision, wrap around care and provision during the school holidays.

The Approval of Home Childcare Providers (Wales) Scheme 2021

This scheme has replaced the “Nanny Scheme”, and is administered by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) on the Welsh Government’s behalf since April 2021. Amongst other things, inclusion within the scheme enables parents using an approved nanny, to receive financial assistance through a range of UK Government tax and benefits concessions such as Tax Credits, Universal Credit and Tax-Free Childcare, where they are eligible.

Full information available here:

The Approval of Home Childcare Providers (Wales) Scheme 2021 - Care Inspectorate Wales