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Ceredigion County Council website

Ceredigion Stakeholder Survey

This consultation ended 31/08/2023

This consultation fed into Ceredigion County Council's Self-Assessment Report 2022/23. Ceredigion County Council's Self-Assessment Report 2022/23 was considered by Councillors at the Council meeting on 14/12/2023.

Ceredigion County Council Self-Assessment Report 2022/23

It was RESOLVED to:

  1. Approve the Self-Assessment Report 2022/23 including the Annual Review of Performance and Well-being Objectives, and
  2. Approve that the Corporate Well-being Objectives to remain unchanged for the next year.

The Self-Assessment report is now published on our website

Self-Assessment Report 2022-2023

Original Consultation

We would like to ask you what you think about how well we run council services for the people of Ceredigion.

We keep our performance under continuous review. Every year we feedback the results on how we have performed and include an action plan detailing how we will improve. Our first Self-Assessment Report was recently published detailing our 2021/2022 performance across all council services.

The table below summarises our Council services:

Education Highways & Highways Maintenance Social Services Welsh Language Standards
Culture Waste Management Safeguarding Electoral Services
Planning Services Grounds Maintenance Substance Misuse Procurements and Payments
Growth and Enterprise Parking Services Mental Capacities Benefits Support, Grants and Assessment
Tourism Harbours Extended Support Wellbeing Centres
Conservation Winter Maintenance Targeted Care and Support Pupil Referral Unit
Countryside Access Emergency Response Direct Payments Support Service Vocational Learning and Skills
Food Centre Wales Flood and Coastal Erosion Fostering Services Community Youth Work
Supporting Businesses through Grants Public / Learner Transport Residential and Day Care Services Parenting and Family Support
Complaints Handling Customer Services Housing Carers and Community Support
Public Protection Modern Records and Archives Planned Care Employment and Training
Partnerships and Civil Contingencies Civil Registration Legal Services Physical Activity and Play
Refugee Resettlement Libraries Coroners Service Human Resources and Staff Development

Our “Corporate Well-being Objectives” are our priority areas for improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Ceredigion. It is into these areas that we will invest our resources. They were identified through extensive analysis of evidence including public consultation.

We carry out continuous monitoring across a range of performance measures which support the delivery of our Corporate Well-being Objectives. We publish results throughout the financial year which are reviewed quarterly by our Performance Board. The most recent results, Performance Measure Results 2022/2023 document, gives you a snapshot of our performance across the council services during 2022/2023. Our new measures that we plan to start monitoring during 2023/2024 can be found in our Performance Measures for 2023/2024 document. It would be good if you read them before undertaking the survey.

This is our first annual survey to get your opinion about how well we are doing overall. Your views are important to us. Please spare a few minutes to give us your views. Your response will be anonymous.

If you require a paper copy to be posted to you or require it in an alternative format, please contact or 01545 570881.