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Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

Assessing the need for care and support in West Wales

Section 14 of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 requires local authorities and Local Health Boards to produce Population Assessments which identify the need for care and support and support needs for carers in their area, the range of services required, how far these needs are being met and how services will be delivered in Welsh. Population Assessments must be carried out every five years.

The West Wales Care Partnership, which brings together partners from Carmarthenshire Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire County Councils, Hywel Dda University Health Board, third and independent sector organisations and users and carers, has published its first Population Assessment for the region. The Assessment is available below.

Further information on the West Wales Care Partnership is available at For further information on the Population Assessment and how the Partnership will use its findings to improve care and support in the future, please contact Martyn Palfreman, Head of Regional Collaboration at

West Wales Population Assessment 2017

How will this affect my care and support?

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act is a new law that will give you more of a say in the care and support you receive.

To help you keep as well as possible, you will make decisions about your care in partnership with professionals. You will have easy access to information and advice about what is available in your area.

Carers and the person they care for will have an equal right to be assessed for support and more people will be entitled to Direct Payments.

A new assessment process for care and support will be based on what matters to you as an individual. It will consider your personal strengths and the support available to you from your family, friends and others in the community.

The assessment will be simpler and can be carried out by one person on behalf of a range of organisations.

There will be more services to prevent problems getting worse, so the right help is available when you need it.

Stronger powers to keep people safe from abuse or neglect will also be introduced.

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act will be introduced in April 2016. You will take part in the new process at your next assessment date.

This short film introduces the act in an easy to view

You can find more information about the Act

Frequently Asked Questions

This document will help children and young people to understand the content of the Act and also provides a good