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Ceredigion County Council website

FAQs & Parking Tips

What is Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)?

Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)is the name given to the service provided by Local Authorities following the transfer of powers from the Police to Local Authorities for enforcing parking contraventions. This is made possible by the Traffic Management Act 2004 and included Statutory Guidance and Operational Guidance to Local Authorities as to how it should be managed and the subsequent appeal process for the tickets issued.

What are the benefits of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)?

The main aims of the Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are to maintain the free flow of traffic and encourage compliance with parking restrictions. Compliance with parking restrictions plays an active role in maintaining road safety for drivers as well as pedestrians.

The main benefits of CPE are:

  • Improved safety for drivers and pedestrians
  • Improved traffic flows
  • Improved visibility at junctions
  • Reduction in congestion leading to improved air quality
  • Improved turnover of parking spaces

How will the new service work?

Ceredigion will employ a team of 6 permanent and 2 seasonal CEOs to cover both on street and off street parking. CEOs will be deployed across Ceredigion 7 days a week and it is likely that Officers will be seen enforcing at locations where previously traffic wardens were not deployed. The CEOs will issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to vehicles parked in contravention of parking restrictions on and off street. These contraventions can include but are not limited to; parking on yellow lines, overstaying time limits on parking bays, parking on pedestrian crossing zigzag markings, parking across drop kerbs and parking more than 50cm from the edge of the kerb.

What role will the Police have in parking enforcement?

The Police will continue to be responsible for moving traffic offences and issuing fixed penalty notices to drivers causing an obstruction. The Police will also continue to issue fixed penalty notices for parking on pedestrian crossing zigzags.

What is a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

A Penalty Charge Notice will be issued to a vehicle parked in contravention of parking regulations either on-street or off-street in Council managed car parks. These contraventions can include but are not limited to; parking on yellow lines, overstaying time limits on parking bays, parking on pedestrian crossing zigzag markings, parking across drop kerbs and parking more than 50cm from the edge of the kerb. Once a PCN has been issued a Civil Enforcement Officer cannot cancel a ticket.

How can I avoid getting a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

  • Do not contravene parking regulations
  • Look for lines, signs and notices where you park - they tell you what restrictions apply
  • Read the Highway Code which will help explain what the signs and lines mean
  • Do not continue to park contravening any restrictions where previously you have been parking as the restrictions will now be more effectively enforced
  • Don't park where there are yellow line waiting or loading restrictions are in force
  • Don't park on double yellow lines
  • Don't park on zigzag lines
  • Don't park in loading bays unless you are loading/unloading goods
  • Don't park in bays reserved for disabled badge holders or specific classes of vehicle unless you are entitled to do so
  • Make sure you have paid and displayed in a car park

How much will a Penalty Charge Notice Cost (PCN)?

There will be two bands of PCN – lower level and higher level - with the more serious offences such as, parking on yellow lines or parking in a disabled bay without displaying a valid blue badge, being subject to a higher level PCN. The charge will be £70 for a higher level offence and £50 for a lower offence, with a 50% reduction for paying within 14 days and a potential 50% increase if payment is not made within 28 days.

How can I pay a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

Please see How to Pay a Penalty Charge Notice for information on how to pay a PCN.

How can I challenge a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) I have received?

Please see How to Challenge a Penalty Charge Notice for information on how to challenge a PCN.

What happens if I ignore a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

If you ignore a PCN it will not go away. The Penalty Charge will increase if it is not paid or if a challenge is not made. Further delay in dealing with the PCN can lead to action by Bailiffs, with their costs added to the Civil debt.

Will vehicles be clamped or removed?

In line with government guidance, the Ceredigion County Council does not intend to introduce the use of vehicle clamping or removal at this stage, believing that at present it is an unnecessary measure to control contraventions of the regulations. However, the application to the Welsh Government for transfer of powers included the request for the powers to introduce clamping / remove vehicles should the Council agree it has become necessary and the enforcement of persistent evaders is an issue.

Is this a fund raising exercise?

The purpose of PCNs is to encourage compliance with parking restrictions and is not a revenue raising exercise. All monies raised are retained by the Council and are ring fenced to fund improvements to the parking service or for highway and transportation improvements.

How do I avoid getting a Penalty Charge Notice?

Here are a few tips on how to park responsibly:

  • Do not park on double yellow lines, unless picking up or dropping off passengers, or loading or unloading. Civil Enforcement Officers will observe a vehicle to ensure that either of these activities are taking place.
  • Do not park on single yellow lines during restricted hours, unless loading/unloading or picking up/dropping off passengers. Nearby signs will inform you of the restricted times.
  • Ensure you park wholly within a marked bay, with none of your vehicle crossing the markings.
  • Ensure you Pay and Display when in Pay and Display areas. Make sure your ticket is visible within your vehicle.
  • Do not overstay the time you are permitted in a Pay and Display space.
  • Do not park on zig-zag lines outside a school, or in bus stops.
  • Do not park in reserved bays (such as those for Blue Badge holders) without a valid permit.
  • Do not park across drop kerbs.
  • Do not double park i.e. parking more than 50cm from the kerb.
  • Do not park on the pavements / footways.

If you are unsure, please refer to the sign that displays the parking regulations for the area you are parked in.