Mortgage Certificate/ Promise/Decision in Principle: The information is required even if the mortgage offer is zero or you are declined a mortgage due to income/age etc. (this information might be in a letter rather than a certificate/promise/decision in principle).

Letter/Email stating the Maximum Mortgage available to you and your partner (where applicable) if not noted on the Mortgage Certificate/Promise/Decision in Principle. This is asked for, as the amount of mortgage that you ask for noted on a mortgage certificate/promise may be different to the maximum mortgage that you are able to obtain.

Last 3 months payslips for yourself and your partner (if applicable) or if you are self employed your business accounts for the last 3 years

Last P60 for yourself and your partner (if applicable)

If you are retired or not able to obtain a mortgage due to age or are no longer able to work: Pension details for last 3 months, annual pension statement, details of any allowances and any other income