Becoming a carer is not something that we plan for. A caring role can begin suddenly, or it can creep up on you over time.

If you've recently started caring for someone, it's important to know that you're not alone - 2 million people, in the UK, become carers each year.

Recognising yourself as a carer is the first step to getting the help and support you need. Here are some tips that can make your new role easier:


Don’t try to cope on your own

Let family and friends know you're caring for someone so they can support you.


Speak to Porth Gofal (Social Services)

Porth Gofal can offer you a Carers Assessment and provide information and services to make your life easier.

Porth Gofal

01545 574000


Tell your Doctor’s surgery

Register as a carer with your GP surgery to connect you with help and support, get a free flu jab and much more.

GP registration form


Speak to your employer

If you're employed, talk to your employer to see if there are any existing support or flexible working arrangements you can access.

Find out more about your rights as a carer who works here 


Check your benefits entitlement

You may be entitled to benefits as a carer or be unsure if you're receiving all that you're entitled to – organisations such as the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) can help with this.


01239 621974 or 01970 612817

Text or Whatsapp: 07782 361974 (Please note: this number is for texting only – calls will not be answered)


Find help and support

There are local carer support groups that offer information, social activities, and training.

To get regular updates about what is happening in your area, you might like to join the Carers Information Service.

Fill in our registration form today to start getting regular carer information updates.


Find out more about Ceredigion’s Carer Support Service for carers of all ages here


Most importantly

Please remember to take care of yourself and try to find some time to rest and recharge.



Carers Information Pack

Download the Carers Information Pack for information that will support you in your caring role