Ceredigion Local Authority recognises that punctual and regular school attendance is an essential precondition of social inclusion and a prerequisite to effective learning.

It notes that, for a small but significant number of children, poor school attendance is a direct cause of their social exclusion and underachievement. It is also concerned that children who are registered at a school and fail to attend that school regularly are placing themselves at greater risk of either offending or of becoming the victims of offending by others. Ceredigion Local Authority believes that children should attend school regularly and punctually because school is where they learn and school is where they are safe (the local authority recognises that some parents* may choose to take personal responsibility for their children’s education rather than send them to school (Home Education).

*(where parents are referred to in this document this should be taken to include carers/guardians).

What can I do as a parent to encourage and increase my child’s attendance?

Find out regularly your child's absences and check this matches with your own record. Talk regularly with your child about school and how they feel about it. They are more likely to attend if they feel supported and that their worries are listened to.

Phone school on the first day of absence to tell us why your child is absent, and when you expect them to return. Putting the school number in your phone can save you time. Ensure that you know the school routine for alerting you to absence.

Only grant days at home for genuine illness.

Avoid taking holidays during school time.

Know routines of the school day to avoid issues e.g. have they got their PE kit?

If you have concerns ring us – we will check attendance and be discreet.

Praise and reward good attendance: even small successes e.g. going in promptly, even when the first lesson is their worst.

If there is a problem with your child’s attendance, talk calmly to your child and listen to the explanation. There is always an explanation. It may not impress you, but it counted enough with your child to make them truant. Pursuing the reason for non attendance is important.

Talk to us to resolve issues. We may be able to help and support you and your child. You are not alone.

Be particularly watchful and supportive in the run up to tests and aware of coursework deadlines.

Check your child’s Contact Book regularly for gaps as well as completed activities.

Help them catch up with missed work, a missed day doesn’t mean missed work.