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Ceredigion County Council website

Consultation regarding the charitable trust 'New Quay Library and Reading Room'

This consultation ended 07/05/2023.

The response to this consultation was considered by Councillors at the Charity Trustees Committee meeting on the 29/06/2023.


Following discussion, Members noted the responses to the public consultation, and is was RESOLVED: to ask the inhabitants of New Quay through a press release and direct contact with specific consultees (similar to those referenced in paragraph 2.2 of the accompanying report to the resolution) whether any group or organisation are interested in taking on the trust site for educational purposes and seeking grant funding for that purpose.  A deadline for responses to be given of one month from press release/contact. A report shall be brought back to the next available Committee.

New Quay Library and Reading Room

Appendix 1 - Full Responses

Appendix 2 - Summary

Building Observations


An updated report was considered by Councillors at the Charity Trustees Committee meeting on the 06/11/2023.

New Quay Library and Reading Room- Updated report 

Members of the Committee NOTED the report.

Original Consultation

Ceredigion County Council has been the trustee of the charitable trust ‘New Quay Library and Reading Room’ since 1958. The trust owns the site of the former library in New Quay which is situated in Uplands Square, shown in the two images below. The trust also holds cash on account of £1,015.84p.

New Quay Former Library map

Former New Quay Library









The purpose of the trust is to use the site as a library and reading room for the benefit of the inhabitants of New Quay.

Library services have been run from the site for many years but the property became vacant on 1st November 2021 when the volunteers running the library, being New Quay Community Library (“NQCL”) re-located to New Quay Memorial Hall.

Both NQCL and Ceredigion’s Library Service have confirmed that they have no plans to move back to the trust site therefore there is a need for the Council, as trustee, to consider the position of the trust and its future as the trust site is not currently being used for the purposes of the trust.

On the 26th September 2022 the Council’s Charity Trustee Committee considered whether a cy-près occasion had arisen in relation to the trust. Cy-près is a doctrine which enables charitable gifts, which would otherwise fail, to be diverted to another related charitable purpose with the Charity Commission’s consent. The Committee resolved that a cy-près occasion had arisen under s.62(1)(e)(i) of the Charities Act 2011 (where the original purposes of the trust have, in whole or part, since they were laid down been adequately provided for by other means as library provision is now in New Quay Memorial Hall) and proposed that, subject to consultation, the new objects/purpose of the trust to be proposed to the Charity Commission be ‘the advancement of education of the inhabitants of New Quay’.

Prior to approaching the Charity Commission to propose a change in the trust’s purpose the Council, as trustee, must carry out appropriate consultation to help inform its final decision making. As such, the trust is seeking public opinion on the proposed new purpose and how the trust site could be used in the future within that new purpose.

This consultation will run for 10 weeks and will end on 7th May 2023.

Once all responses have been collated the results will be taken before the Charity Trustee Committee for consideration and decision.

If you would like to read about the other work of the Charity Trustee Committee please visit the Charity Trustee Committee page.

How to respond

Once you have read the above consultation details you can complete the electronic response form.

Alternatively, you can request a copy by email from and the response should be returned to the same email address.

If you require a paper copy to be posted to you or require it in an alternative format, please contact or 01545 570881.

Paper copies will also be available at the library within New Quay Memorial Hall and responses can be returned there before the above consultation deadline.

If you have any difficulties responding then please contact the email address or telephone number above to indicate this.

We look forward to receiving your views.