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Ceredigion County Council website

Have your say on Ceredigion’s Local Housing Strategy

This consultation ended on the 30/06/2023


The response to this consultation was considered by Councillors in the meeting of Cabinet on 03/10/2023.

Housing Strategy, setting out Ceredigion’s vision and plans for housing in the county for the next 5 years.



1)    To accept the additions to the draft Housing Strategy referenced in the report.

2)    To recommend that Council approves the Housing Strategy.

3)    To note the feedback from the Healthier Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Original Consultation

Residents are being asked for their views on Ceredigion County Council’s draft Housing Strategy. The document sets out the Council’s housing vision and ambitions for the 5-year period to 2028. The consultation will run for an 8-week period from Friday 5th May 2023 to Friday 30th June 2023.

The Housing Strategy sets out the vision for a further 5 years:

“There will be sufficient, suitable and sustainable accommodation to meet residents’ needs now and in the future”.

It recognises the important role that Housing plays together with the influence it has on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and the wider community. The Strategy remains considerate of other local Strategies, in particular the Ceredigion Corporate Strategy and the Through Age Wellbeing Strategy.

Key challenges have been identified within the Housing Strategy. The national picture of the economic recession, legislative changes, the Pandemic recovery and Phosphates issue will all play their part in impacting the local issues affecting Ceredigion. We need to think differently about how we increase the housing stock, whilst continuing to improve living conditions and supporting our residents. Therefore, we have developed 2 main priorities, with 2 objectives each;

  • Increasing supply and improving housing conditions
    1. Provide housing that meets our communities needs
    2. Ensure residents are living in good quality, suitable and sustainable accommodation
  • Supporting residents in their own homes and communities
    1. Ensure homelessness is rare, brief and unrepeated
    2. Provide timely and appropriate support to maintain independent living

Why your views matter

Housing is something that impacts everybody; everyone needs somewhere to live and everyone has an opinion of what that should look like and how they can access it within their specific location. This strategy details how we intend to address the key housing challenges affecting our communities over the next 5 years. It sets out the Council’s priorities and objectives for meeting housing need and working with tenants and residents to build sustainable and cohesive communities.

Whilst stakeholders may have a view around what the priorities are and how to take these forward, it is really important that we have the perspectives of as many people as possible. We want to make sure that everyone has had an opportunity to be part of shaping this with us and look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.

What happens next

The Housing Strategy was submitted for formal adoption by the Council in October 2023. These are the minutes from Cabinet where the Housing Strategy was discussed under item 83.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the consultation, or need a copy of the Draft Housing Strategy and consultation survey in a different accessible format, please email and we will respond as soon as possible.