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Ceredigion County Council website

Youth Justice Service (YJS) – Ceredigion

The Ceredigion Youth Justice Service is made up of trained professionals from the Local Authority, Police, Probation Service, Social Services, (Statutory partners) and other partners including Health (Including CAMHS), Education, Drugs and Alcohol misuse and Career Wales.

There is a Youth Offending Service (YOS or YOT) serving every local authority in England and Wales for young people aged 10 to 17 (and preventive provision to 8 years).

As YJS incorporates representatives from a wide range of services, it can respond to the needs of young offenders in a comprehensive way. The YJS assesses the needs of each young person using a national assessment tool, (ASSET), to identify the specific problems that make the young person offend.  It measures the risk of serious harm the young person may pose to others as well as to themselves.  This assessment provides a proportionate intervention tailored specific or individual needs. YJS will also manage all Court Orders, pre-court disposal and prepare reports to both Court and Referral Panels.  The young person will be required to attend regular meetings with their supervising officer, which will focus on their offending and factors that may reduce the likelihood of the young person reoffending. Referrals to other agencies will be made where appropriate.

YJS also provides preventative programmes and structured activities to divert young people away from offending and anti-social behaviour.  This work is undertaken with a voluntary agreement between the young person and their parent/carer.

In addition, the YJS will seek to assist those harmed by the actions of young people who offend in efforts to repair the harm caused. This process is also known as Restorative Justice and may involve an activity or direct action from the young person to the person where harm has been caused . On occasion it is possible and desirable that the young person who has offended meets the individual harmed and makes a personal and direct apology for the harm caused.

Contact details:

Telephone: 01545 570881
