A Swimming Skills and Training Vocabulary booklet was launched by the Leisure Service in a Sportsathon challenge event at Lampeter Swimming Pool on Friday 13 March.

As part of the Sportsathon challenge, staff members took part in biking, rowing, running and swimming challenges to raise money and raise awareness of the leisure activities available locally.

The booklet will help officers with common words to be used in swimming lessons and training sessions. It will be a quick guide to the Welsh language as they provide services through the medium of Welsh to Ceredigion residents.

Councillor Catrin Miles is the Cabinet member responsible for Learning Services, Lifelong Learning and Leisure. She said: “Ceredigion County Council is committed to supporting the Welsh language and Welsh culture, ensuring that its services and activities promote the use of Welsh across the County. Developing resources to assist officers to improve their language skills is vital. This booklet will be very valuable to our staff who are Welsh speakers and learners.

The pocket booklet is divided into ten headings with a range of common vocabulary, including greetings, answering the phone, instructions, body parts, swimming skills and training phrases.

Carys Morgan, Ceredigion County Council’s Welsh Language Policy Officer, said: “The vocabulary booklet will help to improve the language skills of officers who aren’t confident in their Welsh, and over time it will be a means of building confidence and increasing their use of the Welsh language.”

The Council supports staff to improve their language skills, whether they are Welsh learners, lacking confidence, or fluent speakers. Presenting common vocabulary in a visual manner is a means of improving Welsh skills and fluency.
