As part of Caru Ceredigion, Ceredigion County Council is currently making arrangements to undertake a Spring Clean.

This will include litter picking on a prioritised basis on the County highway network.

Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council are seeking agreement on responsibilities with regards to litter picking on the Trunk Road network, A44 and A487, in the county. However should funding become available similar arrangements could be made.

Due to health and safety requirements, litter picking on highways is a particularly resource intensive and expensive activity. The timing of the work is important to optimise the benefit achieved by capturing as much litter as possible in one go.

Roadside litter is an issue which affects the county from a visual and environmental perspective. It can be especially visible at this time of year due to the vegetation growth levels. Thankfully the vast majority of residents and visitors to Ceredigion value and respect our wonderful local environment and deal with all their waste legally and responsibly. It is an irresponsible and inconsiderate minority who cause the problem resulting in unnecessary risks, costs and damage to the environment.

50 large sacks of litter were collected on the first day, and the team undertaking the work has received positive feedback from the public.

Increasingly, as another element of Caru Ceredigion, we have seen a desire by more people to get actively involved in community and beach cleaning activity. Ceredigion County Council very much appreciates this but can only support it when it is undertaken giving due regard to Health and Safety considerations which include COVID-19 specific ones.

For further information and advice on this please visit the Keep Wales Tidy website.
