Theatr Felinfach has been included on a long list of 121 nominations from across the United Kingdom to create a Regional Exhibition for the Achates 2020 Award.

The award is a project of the Achates Philanthropy Foundation, created in 2016 to support innovation in the cultural sector and to support the development of models that enable organisational resilience. The theatre are delighted to have been nominated and included on the list. During the difficult and challenging lockdown period the staff team managed to find a way to reach a large number of their audience, as well as gaining a new audience.

After the first three weeks of lockdown, the theatre’s officers felt a responsibility to provide activities for children and young people in particular. They were aware that many children would miss the opportunities to hear the Welsh language let alone speak it and that those opportunities needed to be created. They created a digital platform on the social networks and called it Dychmygus / Imagine. There is now a wide range of activities on the platform – from participatory sessions for children to a digital festival for Ceredigion and the world.

The Achates Philanthropy Foundation Chair, Caroline McCormick, said: “The 2020 Achates Philanthropy Prize shines a light into the role of the cultural sector at the darkest time for a generation. All of the nominations demonstrate how cultural organisations across the country have responded to the challenges of COVID-19, despite themselves being under threat.”

Councillor Catherine Hughes, Ceredigion County Council Cabinet Member for Porth Ceredigion, Early Intervention, Wellbeing Hubs and Culture, said: “I would like to warmly congratulate Theatr Felinfach on being nominated for this prestigious award and for well-deserved recognition for their good work. During this recent challenging period, the theatre has offered a variety of interactive activities that have been vital to children, young people and families, whilst also promoting the Welsh language Congratulations.”

The theatre now knows that they are not one of the 24 arts organisations that will go on to create a Regional Exhibition for this year's award, but receiving recognition for their work has been brilliant. Theatr Felinfach would like to wish the three organisations from Wales that have been selected for the next stage all the best; Dawns i Bawb, Presteigne Festival and Theatr Clwyd.

The 2020 Achates Philanthropy Prize is sponsored by Achates Philanthropy Ltd. supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, and in partnership with BOP Consulting, Spektrix and HOME, Manchester.
