Connect to Kindness was launched in Summer 2020 in Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, with the message that simple acts of kindness can make a big difference. Its aim is to create more understanding about the benefit and impact of kindness to ourselves and others in our community.

At the end of an extraordinarily difficult year but looking forward to the next, the campaign now launches its new advert. With words written by Ceredigion poet Ceri Wyn Jones, shot on location in the three counties and using local talent onscreen, the advert hopes to inspire viewers to get involved with the Connect to Kindness campaign – and above all, to make 2021 a year of kindness.

Kindness breeds kindness. It can renew.
So, make it your heartbeat. It starts with you.

Kindness connects us, because it shares
Kindness connects us, because it cares.

The campaign aims to show that there are all sorts of reasons to be kind, including scientific support for its benefits. Individuals benefit, but so do whole communities. It’s the right thing to do, and no matter how small the act, it can have a huge impact, connecting, inspiring, protecting.

The campaign’s website and social media pages have highlighted the stories of some extraordinarily kind and dedicated individuals working in our communities to make a difference. And whilst volunteering or getting involved with a local group or charity might be the right road to kindness for some, it’s also about showing simple human kindness in all aspects of our daily lives, from giving way in the car with a smile and a wave, to checking in on our neighbours, to smiling at someone on the bus, to making a colleague a cup of tea.

If you’d like to arrange an interview with someone from the Connect to Kindness team, in Welsh or English, to find out more about how to make 2021 a year of kindness, please get in touch by calling 01545 574200.

The team can talk about how the campaign is spreading the message of kindness, and also give practical details on how people can get involved in all sorts of ways in their local area. Ceri Wyn Jones is also available to talk about how he went about writing the words for the campaign, and what kindness means to him.

