As a leading recycling authority in Wales, Ceredigion County Council is supporting a national recycling campaign, ‘Be Mighty, Recycle’ to get Wales to number one as the best recycling country.

To mark the start of the campaign, on the 21 September 2020, Canolfan Alun R Edwards (Aberystwyth Library), Aberystwyth Bandstand and Canolfan Rheidol will be lit up in green during the evenings for a week.

Statistics released by Recycle Now show that through lockdown the UK has become even more environmentally aware, with nearly 9 in 10 households saying they ‘regularly recycle’.

Councillor Dafydd Edwards, Ceredigion County Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Environmental Services, Housing and Customer Contact, said: “There has been a positive leap forward in attitudes towards recycling, which is fantastic. We all can continue to do even better in the coming year; let’s get Wales, us, to be the number one recyclers across the globe. With glass bottles and jars, food waste and an extensive list of items being able to be recycled and collected by the Council, now’s the perfect time to make sure you’re recycling everything that you possibly can.”

The campaign, run and funded by Welsh Government and WRAP Cymru, provides an opportunity for us to thank the people of Ceredigion for continuing to recycle, no matter what life throws at them. Recycling plays an essential role in tackling climate change and it’s a simple thing that everyone can do to help make a real impact.

Councillor Dafydd Edwards continued: “Our waste collection crews have been real heroes too, providing the best service possible under the most difficult of circumstances. They’ve been extremely busy, especially because of the extra waste and recycling generated by people spending more time at home. The recognition our crews have received in the form of friendly waves, notes, cards and gifts left out for them during lockdown is heart-warming proof of how much they are appreciated and how the people of Ceredigion can all make a positive impact.”

Dealing with all waste responsibly, which includes recycling as much as possible, is all part of Caru Ceredigion. It’s about doing positive things which are good for you, your community and the environment.

Mighty tips to get Wales to number one:

  • Recycling our food waste is one of the easiest ways to give our recycling rate a big boost. Put any food waste – however small the amount – in your food waste caddy to ensure it gets collected every week.
  • Recycling doesn’t stop at the kitchen door – remember to recycle from other rooms too. You’d be amazed just how much bathroom waste such as empty shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and shower gel bottles can be recycled.
  • Most people know that water bottles, cans, and paper and card can be recycled, but don’t forget that you can also recycle more unusual items such as empty aerosols. And if you’re not sure what you can and can’t recycle visit the Council’s A-Z of Waste.
  • Give cans, pots, tubs and trays a quick rinse before recycling them – there’s no need to use running water, a quick swill in the washing up bowl will do. This reduces the odour. Also, squashing them will save space in your recycling bag.

To learn more about the ‘Be Mighty’ mission in Ceredigion visit our website or call our Contact Centre on 01545 570 881. Look out for the ads on TV, on buses and billboards and social media across Wales or join the conversation using the hashtag #mightyrecyclers
