Ceredigion County Council has published its Welsh Language Standards Monitoring Report and is available for the public to read.

In a Cabinet meeting on 10 July 2018, Members accepted the Ceredigion County Council Welsh Language Standards Annual Monitoring Report (2017-18) which outlines progress of implementing the Welsh Language Standards.

The report is available on http://www.ceredigion.gov.uk/your-council/strategies-plans-policies/welsh-language/annual-progress-report/.

The Council is required to publish an annual report to the attention of the Welsh Language Commissioner outlining compliance with the Welsh Language Standards, together with a report on the performance indicators. This is the third annual report since the introduction of the Welsh Language Standards, and the report focuses on the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 establishes a legal framework to impose a duty on Ceredigion County Council, among other public organisations, legal compliance standards around the language. The purpose of introducing Welsh Language Standards is to provide greater rights for people to be able to use the Welsh Language in all aspects of their lives every day, including having access to services through the medium of Welsh, if they choose to do so.

In implementing the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards, the Council is committed to supporting the Welsh Language and Welsh culture, ensuring that its services and activities will facilitate and promote the use of the Welsh Language. Every Member of the public in Ceredigion have the right to choose in which language they wish to deal with the Council and Council staff are required to respond positively to this choice.

Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn, Leader of Ceredigion County Council said, “This report shows where the Council has space for improvement but it also reports on encouraging news such as that 175 members of staff have benefitted from the opportunity to learn Welsh or improve their Welsh through the Council in the last year. It is essential that Ceredigion residents can receive Council services through the medium of Welsh if they choose to do so, and we will continue to strengthen the Council’s ability to provide that even further.”

This Cabinet decision supports the Council’s corporate priority of investing in people’s future.
