The Wellbeing Centre in Lampeter will host an important presentation on the complex journey of menopause on 26 October 2023.

Titled Perimenopause and Beyond: From Navigating to Mastering Midlife, the session with Katharine Gale, founder of FluxState, promises an empowering presentation to help understand the complexity of this life phase. Katharine's mission is clear: to equip women with the necessary tools to navigate the challenging terrain of menopause, steering them towards a state of profound understanding and flow.

It’s timely to raise awareness and offer support considering that approximately 13 million women in the UK are either approaching or have transitioned through menopause, and with 80% of menopausal women still actively in the workforce. FluxState's event, open to all, is designed as a comprehensive primer on the fundamentals of menopause, delving into the support that’s needed to allow women to thrive during this transformative period.

Katharine’s recent talk at the International Older Persons Day Event on 02 October 2023 was a huge success, with the venue packed to the brim and an outpouring of positive feedback from attendees. Her dynamic approach left the audience inspired and equipped with practical insights to tackle the challenges of the menopause.

This free event will run from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and will consist of a comprehensive presentation followed by an interactive question and answer session, allowing attendees to address their specific concerns. Additionally, there will be refreshments available, to create a welcoming and comfortable environment.

Councillor Catrin M S Davies, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Customer Services, said: “I’m glad that staff at the Wellbeing Centre have organised this event. It’s time we discussed the menopause phase so that it becomes something natural to talk about and to make it easier for women to ask for advice, support and ignite understanding.”

The evening promises a wealth of insights, with the aim of empowering women with the knowledge and resources needed to traverse this pivotal phase of their lives with confidence. Given the limited availability, pre-booking is strongly advised.

Don't miss the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge from Katharine, a Certified Coach and an experienced Consultant Nurse in Women’s Health.

To book your space, contact the Wellbeing Centre, Lampeter on 01570 422552 or For more information about Katharine and FluxState, visit her website.
