Fresh calls are being made for working parents to register for the Childcare Offer in Ceredigion. The calls are being made before the latest group of three-year-olds become eligible for the scheme at the start of the new school term in January 2019.

Over 200 Ceredigion families have already registered for the offer for funded childcare for three and four-year-old children. These families are making significant savings by having up to 30 hours of funded childcare per week for up to 48 weeks of the year.

A parent can be eligible for the offer from the start of the school term after their child’s third birthday. This means that eligible parents of children who have their third birthday between September and December 2018 can apply for the Offer. If approved, they will receive funded childcare from January 2019.

The Cabinet member responsible for Learning Services, Councillor Catrin Miles said, “Anyone in Ceredigion who has a child who has turned, or will turn three, between September and December 2018 should see if they are eligible for the Childcare Offer. Also, if you know any parent who is in that situation, do let them know. It could make a big difference to their childcare costs.”

Ceredigion County Council manages the scheme in the county, and will manage the scheme in neighbouring counties as the scheme is rolled out in 2019. The Welsh Government funds the Childcare Offer.

Generally, parents and guardians eligible for the scheme work a minimum of 16 hours per week. However, seasonal workers and self-employed people can also be eligible. Parents and guardians who want to see if they are eligible can visit the Council’s website on:
