In Wales, the Welsh Government has published Specific Duties under the Equality Act for all public bodies.

These specific duties are outlined in the essential guide to the public sector equality duty: an overview for listed public authorities in Wales, and include the development of a Strategic Equality Plan. Please find link to guidelines here:

A summary of these duties is listed below:

  • requirement to develop and publish Equality Objectives and a Strategic Equality Plan
  • requirement to Assess the Impact of any policy, strategy, project or financial decision to find out if there are any negative issues which we need to look at again to ensure that we have acted fairly in our decision making process
  • requirement to publish Equality Information. This includes our workforce data, customer surveys and any feedback from engagement. This information can then be used as evidence in any decisions that we make and in planning our services
  • requirement to identify, collect and publish information on Pay Differences between employees with any protected characteristics and those who do not share a protected characteristic
  •  requirement to consider Equality and Diversity in all aspects of Procurement
  • requirement to publish an Annual Equality Report which assesses the effectiveness of the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan

The essential guide to the public sector equality duty: An overview for listed public authorities in Wales: