A wide range of important local well-being information, whether it be from physical health to digital connectivity, is now available in Ceredigion’s Assessment of Local Well-being 2022.

Published earlier this year by Ceredigion’s Public Services Board, the Assessment of Local Wellbeing contains an array of local data from research, evidence gathering and listening to people of Ceredigion and stakeholders. Identifying future trends and the things which we can realistically project might happen tomorrow, really helps inform what we need to start planning for now.

The Assessment is carried out every 5 years as a legal requirement of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 and is used to help inform and develop the Local Well-being Plan.

The next Wellbeing Plan will be published next year and will run for 5 years. This will ensure that public services, through the work of the Public Services Board, work together to improve the well-being of Ceredigion’s residents and communities.

Ceredigion County Council is one of the members of the Public Services Board and on the 26 July 2022, Members of Ceredigion’s Cabinet noted the content of the assessment and acknowledged the importance of the information to help inform the Local Wellbeing Plan for Ceredigion in 2023-2028.

Councillor Bryan Davies, Ceredigion County Council Leader and Chair of Ceredigion Public Services Board said: “The Assessment of Local Wellbeing is a very important resource by which the Public Services Board will use as the basis to prepare the Local Wellbeing Plan for Ceredigion’s residents and communities. The assessment is evidence based, meaning it can be used to inform future plans and can be referenced by organisations when preparing bids for funding or demonstrating a need to focus on particular areas.”

If you are interested in finding out more, a copy of the assessment is available to view in local libraries or can be accessed through the following link: www.ceredigion.gov.uk/media/11232/ceredigion-assessment-of-local-well-being-2022.pdf
