Ceredigion County Council has joined in standing against racism, by signing up to the Zero Racism Wales Pledge organised by Race Council Cymru.

Ellen ap Gwynn is Ceredigion County Council’s Leader and Cabinet member for Policy, Performance and Partnerships. She said: “We will not tolerate racism in Ceredigion. We want to build on the strength of communities in Ceredigion as welcoming and friendly places and are committed to tackling racism when it occurs.”

Ceredigion County Council commits to promoting a zero tolerance to racism, this means that:

  • We will take a stand against racism and promote a more inclusive and equal society for all.
  • We will not tolerate racial prejudice, discrimination, harassment, victimisation, abuse, or violence against any individual.
  • We will stand in solidarity, come together, and say no to racism, in all its forms.
  • We will promote good race relations between people from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
  • We will promote equal and fair opportunities for people from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
  • We will eliminate unlawful race discrimination, harassment, victimisation and abuse.

Further details can be found at: https://zeroracismwales.co.uk/
