Business leaders and economic experts are needed to advise the Growing Mid Wales Board about potential projects under the region’s Growth Deal.

The Board is setting up an independent body, the Economic Advisory Group, to help advise on the strengths or weaknesses of projects being developed as part of the Mid Wales Growth Deal portfolio business case.

The new advisory group, which will have six members, will replace an Economic Strategy Group (ESG) that has operated for two years. The ESG helped to develop the region’s portfolio business case which has since been submitted to Welsh and UK Governments for final deal agreement.

Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn Joint Chair of the Board said: “The Economic Strategy Group has played a key role in developing the business case for the Growth Deal over the past two years. We are hopeful that we will have a final deal agreement before the end of the year, and we can move forwards with project development.

The new advisory group will provide business sector experience and knowledge to assess the various proposals as they move through to the next stage.

Councillor Rosemarie Harris, Joint Chair of the Board added: “The Growth Deal is entering an exciting stage of development whereby programmes and projects will be developed further and considered for funding. We need to ensure the business representatives helps us to assess these proposals.”

The Joint Chairs added: “All decisions relating to programmes and projects will ultimately rest with the Board and it is important that the advisory role of the Economic Advisory Group is clear from the start to both members of the group and any external observers.”

Applicants for the advisory group will need to:

• Be Industry Leaders particularly from the sectors identified in the Portfolio Business Case

• Be able to demonstrate strategic thinking

• Have significant direct business leadership experience

• Have an entrepreneurial background

• Be able to work as part of a team

• Have an interest and commitment to the interests of the region.

For more information, email Paul Griffiths, Growth Deal Adviser:
