Census information packs, including letters and access codes will have started to arrive in homes across Ceredigion by now.

The Census is a unique survey of all the people and households in Wales and England that happens every 10 years and is run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

It’s important for everyone in Ceredigion to fill in their Census questionnaire because it gives us the most detailed information we have about our society.

Everyone is required to fill in their Census by law. You can complete it online or by paper and help is available for those who require support or advice on how to fill in their Census.

Residents can visit the Census 2021 website. The website contains an online help section, which covers everything from who to include on the questionnaire, to how to answer each question. There is also a dedicated Contact Centre and Census Support Centre for residents to get in touch for further support.  

The Contact Centre

The Census Contact Centre is a vital source of public support. It offers help over the phone, via web-chat and SMS text message, and through the ‘Contact Us’ form on the Census 2021 website. 

The Contact Centre can help with many tasks, including: resolving general and specialist queries from the public; providing new or additional questionnaires; providing language translation booklets, braille guidance booklets and easy read leaflets; interpretation services; assisting individuals to complete the Census over the telephone.

There is a general helpline, plus a language helpline, text relay and short text numbers:

  • The Contact Centre helpline for those living in Wales: 0800 169 2021
  • The Wales NGT (text relay service): (18001) 0800 169 2021        
  • The language helpline: 0800 587 2021          

The Census Contact Centre will be open from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday; 8am to 1pm Saturday, but closed on Sunday. However, the Centre will be open over the Census Weekend (20-21st of March) from 8am-8pm. The Census Contact Centre is UK-based and free to call.

Local Census Support Centre (CSC)

The Local Census Support Centre based in Aberystwyth Town Library will help with general Census queries, help residents fill their online Census or paper form, and can discuss other means of support.

At present, the Census Support Centre is operating as a remote service and can only provide support over the phone. All Census Support Centres across England and Wales will not be able to provide face-to-face service during lockdown.

Contact details for the Census Support Centre are as follows:

The CSC will be open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, but will not be operating on weekends. Telephone calls will be charged at the standard rate.

For further details on your closest Census Support Centre visit the Census Website: Find a Support Centre

The Census Engagement Manager

The Census Engagement Manager (CEM) for Ceredigion is Huw Davies. The CEM will be holding Form Completion Events over the phone at certain times over the coming weeks, including 15 and 16 March 2021, to support residents with their Census completion. For more information on the time and dates of these events, visit his twitter account: @CensusCerePow 

Census Day – 21 March 2021

Remember that Census data helps inform funding decisions on public services in Ceredigion. Whether it’s planning new schools, doctor’s surgeries or bike lanes, the information you share has an impact on the lives of everyone living in England and Wales.

More information on the wide range of support services available on the Census website.

Information about the Census in Ceredigion is available on Ceredigion County Council’s website.
