Many trees and woodlands in Ceredigion are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).

Close up of leavesTree Preservation Orders are placed on trees, groups of trees and woodlands on the basis of their landscape and amenity value. There are some 200 TPOs in place in Ceredigion.

In making new TPOs, the Council takes account of the following factors:

  • the removal of tree would have a significant adverse impact on the environment and its enjoyment of the public
  • the tree are visible from a public place
  • the trees have an intrinsic beauty for their contribution to the landscape
  • the trees have nature conservation value or have cultural associations
  • the trees screen future development

In brief, TPOs prevent the cutting down and lopping (or other specified works) of trees unless the permission of the local authority has first been obtained.

In addition trees in Conservation Areas are also protected: the local authority must be given 42 notice before carrying out works. This period gives the Council an opportunity to consider placing a TPO on the affected tree or trees.

All trees are also protected by felling licence permissions administered by Natural Resources Wales.

Trees in Conservation Areas

Tree Preservation Order (TPOs)

Protected Trees - Guidance Notes

Tree Works Application Form

Tree Felling Licences

Tree Preservation Order Register
The register may not be a comprehensive list pre-2017


Note: this information is for guidance only and does not provide a definitive guide to the law.

Hedgerows and hedgebanks - many of them ancient in origin - are a distinctive feature of the Ceredigion countryside and a haven for wildlife.

Hedgerows and fieldsHedgerows offer many benefits to farmers by providing shelter for livestock.

They also benefit farming by providing shelter for livestock. Because of concerns about the loss of hedgerows, in 1997 regulations were also introduced to control the removal of hedgerows. This system of control is administered by local authorities.

Application for Hedgerow Removal Notice

Hedgerows Regulations

Hedgerow Application - Guidance Notes

Note: this information is for guidance only and does not provide a definitive guide to the law.